Benefits of Having a Dog
Friday, 22 October 2021
Wednesday, 20 October 2021
Reasons Why Dogs Are So Loyal, Find out why your dog really loves you unconditionally.
Loyalty: faithful to a person to whom allegiance or affection is due.
"Most dogs will love you no matter what," says Dr. Sara Ochoa, a Texas veterinarian and consultant for Dog Lab. "If you are late on feeding them or do not come home on time, they still love you just as much.
Dr. Ochoa says that's because most dogs will do anything to make their owners happy. "They are usually very obedient and live to please their owners." This is why most of us think dogs are loyal—and of course, we're right.
Where do dogs get their loyalty? Since dogs are pack animals directly descended from wolves, they prefer to hunt, eat, sleep, and live with a pack. They're social creatures and once they became domesticated that pack became us, humans. If you're ever spent some time training your pup to sit, speak, or stay, you know they want to please you—their pack leader–just as wild wolves want to please their alpha top-wolf.
"I do find that this stems from their genetics," says Dr. Ochoa. "If you are part of their pack then they will help take care of their group members." They were bred to think loyalty will keep them alive and if they are loyal to their leader, they will be fed, cuddled, loved, and sheltered. Pretty smart, right?
Are some breeds more loyal than others?
Most all dog breeds are very loyal. But Dr. Ochoa says a few are standouts in the loyalty department. "Dogs such as Chihuahuas, boxers, and labs are very loyal to their owners." But that said, any dog breed can be loyal, and some dogs may never have had the benefit of a true pack may have not really developed a loyalty beyond themselves. But that's probably the exception rather than the rule.
Are dogs loyal because you rescued them? Many owners may think that their dog only really loves them so unconditionally because they adopted them, "rescued" them, or even in some cases, removed them from poor conditions to give them what they know today as a wonderful home. But that may be more of a human trait we place on them.
"I think most dogs are very excited and grateful that they are now part of a pack and seem like they are more loyal because they were adopted but I think that they would be just as loyal if you got them as a puppy vs. rescued later in life," says Dr. Ochoa.
Loyalty is just a part of their survival instincts, its inbred into their genealogy and now that the pack they live within is a nuclear family (of humans) no matter if that is a family, a single, a couple, or a house full of roommates, dogs prefer the company of their pack and understand innately that a pack is a successful way of life together.
So, the next time you muse over how loyal your canine companion is to you, remember that you are his pack leader and that's a loyalty that comes from thousands of years of fundamental evolution. Still, it's awfully nice, right?
Types of Dogs: 7 Top Ranked Dog Breeds Pictures 2021
Who doesn’t love pets? They have become part and parcel of every household. Dogs are a popular choice of pets as they help us in many ways. Several breeds and types give us a good idea about what you want in a pet and what kind of pet is suitable for your family and lifestyle. The types of dogs and their utilization in several services will help you make a choice much more manageable! Here is a list of intelligent and friendly dogs with pictures.
Pets are seen in lots of families almost every part of the world, especially in the western part of the earth. Pets include a lot like dogs, cats etc. Dog helps people in many ways like herding, protection, military, hunting, and assisting police. Even it is called the best friend of man in the western world.
1. German Shepherd:
German Shepard got originated from Germany. This is a new breed of dog that originated in the year 1899. These are called as working dogs that are developed for herding sheep. A German dog has a lot of strength, obedient, intelligent, and very well trained. It is called the second-most popular breed of dog in the United States and fourth-most popular in the United Kingdom.
The breed height starts at 60-65 cm for males, and for females, height was 55-60 cm. They mostly observe in tan/black and red/black. They have a double coat. The outer layer sheds all around, and the thick undercoat is very dense. The life span of the German Shepard is 10.5 years.
2. Bulldog:
3. Golden Retriever:
4. Poodle:
These are mostly seen in France and Germany. It is very active, alert, intelligent, faithful, and even trained. Height ranges from 35-45cm. It is a water type of dog. Poodles worn Best in the show in 1966 and 1982 and also awarded. These types of pet dogs are available in multiple colors. The life span is about 12-15 years.5. Shih Tzu:
6. Pug Dog:
7 Border Collie:
Border Collie is developed for herding livestock of sheep at boarders. These are acrobatic, energetic, athletic, and smart. These are well known as a Scottish sheepdog. Death occurs due to cancer, old age, and cerebral vascular afflictions. On average, the life span is of 13-16 years. Size of the male in height 48-56cm and weighs about 13.6-20.4kg. In terms of female height is 46-53cm, and weight is 12.2-19 kg.